When we compare what we know about cancer in humans, and even in dogs and cats, exotic animal veterinarians are often working in the dark. Our patients deserve better.
The tenets of ESCRA:
- Research and collaboration is needed. Researchers and clinicians must unite to find the common causes of cancer across all species. This holistic view will help us better understand various cancer models and ways to treat both human and animal cancers.
- Veterinary cancer therapy will only improve with advanced knowledge. The field of oncology for exotic species is really in its infancy. Basic cancer biology, treatment protocols, response to therapy, prognostic information and diagnostic planning are currently under-represented in cancer research.
- Human research can benefit from our species. Few people realize that many of the advances in human cancer research were made by studying cancer-causing viruses in other species. Many of the basic genetic alterations that cause cancer occur in genes that are highly conserved across a wide range of species.
A whole world of cancer biology awaits in companion exotic and zoological species. We can always accomplish more when we work together.
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